The didactic process of the teacher through the teaching strategy of the case study and the use of ict, in the construction of knowledge




Teaching process, case study, ICT, knowledge construction


The general objective of this research is to determine the way in which the teacher’s didactic process through the case study teaching strategy and the use of information and communications technologies (ict) favor the construction of knowledge in the subject of Study and Case of Legal Institutions i (ecij i), of the Law career of the Centro Universitario del Norte of the University of Guadalajara during the 2022-B school year. This is a research with descriptive scope, carried out under the mixed approach, with a non-experimental design carried out cross-sectionally; using the instruments of a review script, survey and interview. In the end, it was established that under the didactic process used by the teacher in the ecij i subject and the students’ learning process focuses on the handling, management and production of information and that in each of the iterations of the course the student adopts a leading role in this learning, highlighting that there is a greater presence of individual learning than collective learning and that the latter must be adopted as main purposes by teachers who teach this type of subjects to share experiences and unify criteria in their teaching. 

Author Biography

Martha María de los Ángeles Muñoz García, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctora en Educación por el Instituto Suizo de Puebla. Profesora de asignatura de la Carrera de Abogado del Centro Universitario del Norte de la Universidad de Guadalajara 


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How to Cite

Muñoz García, M. M. de los Ángeles. (2025). The didactic process of the teacher through the teaching strategy of the case study and the use of ict, in the construction of knowledge. Punto Cunorte, 1(20), 91–116.