Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in the teaching-learning process in the Bachelor's Degree in Administration




learning, education, evaluation, generative artificial intelligence (gai), teaching-learning process


The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (gai) is becoming more and more frequent for educational purposes, thus the need to analyze its use and application in higher education. This practice poses benefits, challenges and ethical implications which are topics of study. 

The gai approach in education has several guidelines, such as the creation of educational content, collaborative work, personalization of learning, development of new skills, support in evaluation and specialized tutoring for students. For the development of the present research, the analysis of the use of gai in the teaching-learning process in higher education was proposed. It was analyzed by means of a mixed methodology, with an exploratory and descriptive approach, using action research and teaching practice as support for data collection, choosing the questionnaire as an instrument. 

The results obtained focus on the need to receive education or training in the responsible use of gai in the teaching-learning processes, both for students and teachers of the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration, with the purpose of integrating it in the academic performance in an ethical and responsible way. 

Author Biography

Eva Noemi González Rivas, Universidad de Guadalajara

Maestra en Administración de Negocios por el Centro Universitario del Norte. Doctorante en Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad Santander. Docente de asignatura b de la Universidad de Guadalajara. 


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How to Cite

González Rivas, E. N. (2025). Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in the teaching-learning process in the Bachelor’s Degree in Administration. Punto Cunorte, 1(20), e20224.