Mobility among university students of tourism and the study of foreign languages
internationalism, higher education, university students, foreign languageAbstract
The objective of this paper was to analyze whether there is a positive relationship between the choice of destinations for the academic exchange program and the foreign languages studied by university students, in order to understand how the campus language program could be improved in relation to academic exchange. The methodology used was quantitative with a descriptive approach: the first step consisted of data analysis on the students’ choice of destinations and on the foreign languages studied. In the second step, a survey was conducted on the relationship between foreign language proficiency, motivation and obstacles related to mobility. According to the results, it was found that the situation regarding mobility at the University of Guadalajara is similar to that of higher education institutions in Mexico and that the tendency to go to Spanish-speaking countries continues to predominate over other countries where another language is spoken. The relevance of the study lies in the contribution it makes to research on the internationali-zation of higher education (hei), given that Latin America and Mexico do not have sufficiently complete and reliable data and indicators. More studies like this one are needed in other degrees and universities to un-derstand how to create strategies that can improve hei.
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