The Anti-Racist turn and Interculturality in Mexico

A necessary conversation




Racism, anti-racism, interculturality, grammars, Mexico


For six years the conversations about racism and anti-racism in Mexico have experienced an increase. This resulted in the positioning of certain debates that distanced themselves from discussions such as interculturality. Despite this, what I propose in this article is that since the increase in economic and material inequalities, it becomes necessary to open a conversation between interculturalism and racism. This implies not having to decide for one or the other, but rather opening bridges of dialogue. In this sense, this article is organized around four core points: 1) carry out a conceptual and political path, 2) find points of convergence through the concept of grammars, 3) review what the anti-racist struggle can learn from interculturality and 4) see what interculturality can learn from the fight against racism in Mexico. Finally, I conclude by arguing that, rather than being dissimilar discussions, they have more in common than can be thought in political terms.

Author Biography

Gisela Carlos Fregoso, Universidad de Guadalajara, México

 Doctora en Investigación Educativa. Líneas de investigación: racismo, antirracismo, mestizaje y blanquedad. 


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How to Cite

Carlos Fregoso, G. (2024). The Anti-Racist turn and Interculturality in Mexico: A necessary conversation. Punto Cunorte, 1(18), 16–36.